Kamis, 14 November 2019

English Project
Group 2

Anggota :
1.Tiara Pravita Sari
2.Indah Ramadhani
3.Muhammad Akmal
4.Amelia Nur Annisa
5.Ana Rahmadini
6.Pinkan Galung Aulia
7.Andhika Gusti P.

Recalling Chapter 4
Which One Is Your Best Gateaway

Descriptive Text

1).Definition and Fucntion
     Descriptive text is a type of text describe.

2).Text Stucture ( Generic  Structure)
     Identification and Description.

3).Linguistic Elements
  1.      Noun
  2.      Simple Present Tense
  3.      Adjective
  4.      Figurative

Short Movie : Aladdin Trailer

Synopsis :
Aladdin is a figure known as a thief in a region in the middle east.One day,he found a magic lamp in a cave,the lamp turned out to be the abode of a genie.The genie told aladdin that he could grant three wishes form the owner.Aladdin also used the ginir to grant his wish to become a prince to win the heart of princess.

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