Kamis, 13 Februari 2020

2nd semester English Project group 3

Group 3

Group 3  : 1.) Indah Ramadhini
                   2.) Rahmat Ilham Noval Sigit
                   3.) Valent Sanjaya


Opening :

Hari-hari Terus BerlaluTiada pernah berhentiS'ribu rintang jalan berlikuBukanlah suatu penghalang

Hadapilah segala tantanganMohon Petunjuk yang kuasaCiptakanlah Kerukunan BangsaKobarkanlah, dalam dadaSemangat jiwa Pancasila...

Reff:Hidup tiada mungkin...Tanpa perjuangan,Tanpa pengorbanan,Mulia adanyaBerpegangan tangan...Dalam satu cita...Demi masa depan...Indonesia Jaya
News :

About 15 years ago, an Amish family in the eastern US was hit by an unexplainable tragedy -- one of their children died suddenly while playing and running around. Just a few months later, the same fate befell another one of their children. Six years later, they lost another child. Two years after that, another one.

The autopsies didn't offer any clues. The children's hearts appeared normal. The family had what they referred to as "the curse of sudden death." And medical examiners couldn't figure out why.

After the deaths of the first two children, a medical examiner who conducted the autopsies got in touch with researchers at the Mayo Clinic Windland Smith Rice Sudden Death Genomics Laboratory in 2004. Researchers at the lab had pioneered the concept of molecular autopsy, using genetic testing to understand the cause of death in sudden unexplained cases, and the examiner wanted to see if they could shed light on the mystery affecting the Amish community
Recalling :
A simple form of verb to indicate that on eventvoccured in the past.
  • Time Expressions : In year, In month, last night, one-ago, on day, yesterday, ther morning.
  • Formula verb & Nominal (To Be)
     Verb, example : They played footbal yesterday be took a picture last month.
S (Singular/Plural) + Verb 2 (Regular/Irregular) + Compliment.
     Nominal/to be, example : 1. She was hungry
                                                    2. They were tired
     S (Singular subject except "You") + was.
     S (You/Plural subject) + were.
  •  Regular Verb ||+ED/D||
      STAY     + ED    = STAYED
      PLAY     + ED    = PLAYED
      ERASE   + D      = ERASED
      WATCH + ED    = WATCHED
  • Irregular Verb
EAT      = ATE.
BUY      = BOUGHT.
  • Formula Verb (Regular/Irregular)
Subject (Singular/Plural) + Bate Infinitive + Verb 2
  • Formula Nominal (To Be)
Subject (Singular/Pluaral) +Bate Infinitive +Verb 2 (Was/Were).

Short movie : "piper "

Synopsis :
There's a bird on the beach share who warts to forage. Suddenly, big waves come croshong a gainst. Because it couldn't swim, it was carred by the currents and isolated on a small island. Wherever it wanted to take the feed, the waves come and it was scared. Then it saw a small-smail breving the waves. It finally.

Closing :

Kicir kicir ini lagunya

Lagu lama ya tuan dari Jakarta

Saya menyanyi ya tuan memang sengaja

Untuk menghibur menghibur hati nan duka

Burung dara burung merpati

Terbang cepat ya tuan tiada tara
Bilalah kita ya tuan suka menyanyi
Badanlah sehat ya tuan hati gembira
Pap parirarapa parirarapapapa
Buah mangga enak rasanya

Si manalagi ya tuan paling ternama

Siapa saya ya tuan rajin bekerja

Pasti menjadi menjadi warga berguna

Burung dara burung merpati

Terbang cepat ya tuan tiada tara
Bilalah kita ya tuan suka menyanyi
Badanlah sehat ya tuan hati gembira

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