Kamis, 14 November 2019

English Project
Group 3

Anggota :
1.Cantikaha Nur Hikmah
2.Rheza Al-Fikri
3.Fitri Zahra Andika
4.Vallen Sanjaya
5.Adam Nugraha
6.Rachmat Irham 
7.Khalisya Renata 

Recalling Chapter 5
Let's Visit Niagara Falls

Definitions : 
Niagara falls is the collective name for three waterfalls that cross the international border between the Canadian province of Ontario and the USA state of New York.There are various attractions that people can enjoy in Niagaa falls,Six of them are describe here.
The first to enjoy in niagara falls is Niagara Adventure Theater.Niagara sciene Musem is another place to visit.The fifth point of inerest is Niagara's Wax Museum of History.

Formula : 
Active : S+v+O
Example : Mary helps her son

Pasive : S+V3+O
Example : The son is helped by mary

Short Movie :

Synopsis : (Alma)
  • Tells the story of a girl who sees a doll that looks like her i a shop.When she approached the doll.She changed into the doll and became the store's collection permantly.

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