Kamis, 30 Januari 2020

2nd Semester English Project Group 2


Group 2 : 1.) Naira Ananda
                 2.) Natasya A. A.
                 3.) Sarah Devi

Chapter 8

Opening :

Garuda pancasila
Akulah pendukungmu
Patriot proklamasi
Sedia berkorban untukmu
Pancasila dasar negara
Rakyat adil makmur sentosa

Pribadi bangsaku

Ayo maju maju
Ayo maju maju
Ayo maju maju
Recalling :
Definition of recount :
Text recount text is a text that telling the reader one stroy, action or activity. Its goal is to entertaining or informing the reader. Recount is a text which retells event or experiences in the past.

Generic Structure :
1.) Orientation : It gives the readers the background information needed to understand the text, such as who was involved, where it happened, and when it happened.
2.) Event          : A series of events, ordered in a chronological sequence.
3.) Re-Orientation : A personal comment about the event or what happened in the end.

News :

Taylor Swift attempted to kick Justin Bieber out of her gym

When Taylor Swift pays big bucks for a private gym session, that’s just what she expects, even if it means kicking a fellow pop star out of the vicinity.
The “You Need to Calm Down” singer, 30, recently attempted to have Justin Bieber, 25, and several others removed from the Dogpound Gym in West Hollywood, TMZ reports.
The “Yummy” artist and his security team were approached and asked to leave, but they refused to budge until the Biebs finished his workout, according to the site.
After completing his session, Bieber left with his crew, all the while not knowing that Swift was the one who requested they exit stage right. Once he left, the remaining gym members were also asked to leave.
A source at the gym insisted that Swift had an appointment with a trainer where she specified she’d like to train alone in the facility, and that the incident was not personal.
Swift has, however, made her feelings known about Bieber’s manager, Scooter Braun, as the two have been engaged in a music business feud over her master recordings for months.
Short movie :

Synopsis : A serigal mother who is saving a wolf cub from a laborer. The laborers are eyeing a serigal child to become a wolf puppet, the wolf mother tries hard to protect her child, a laborer who sees the struggle of the wolf mother feels sorry for taking her child. The laborer thought the wolf's mother wanted to kill the hunter, but he was mistakenly suspected that instead he wanted to save his child who wanted to be in labor.

Closing :

Mesat ngapung luhur jauh di awang-awang

Meberkeun jangjangna bangun taya karingrang
Sukuna ranggaos reujeung pamatukna ngeluk
Ngapak mega bari hiberna tarik nyuruwuk
Saha anu bisa nyusul kana tandangna
Gandang jeung pertentang taya bandingannana
Dipikagimir dipikaserab ku sasama
Taya karempan kasieun
Manuk Dadali manuk panggagahna
Perlambang sakti Indonesia Jaya
Manuk Dadali pangkakon carana
Resep ngahiji rukun sakabehna
Hirup sauyunan tara pahiri-hiri
Silih pikanyaah teu inggis bela pati
Manuk dadali ngandung siloka sinatria
Keur sakumna Bangsa di Nagara Indonesia

2nd Semester English Project Group 1

English Project
Group 1

Group 1 : 1.) Adam Nugraha
                  2.) Yulianti Novita Sari
                  3.) Rizki Rahman

Chapter 7 
opening :
maju tak gentar
membela yang benar
maju tak gentar
hak kita diserang
maju serentak 
mengusir penyerang
maju serentak tentu kita menang
bergerak "bergerak"
serentak "serentak"
menrejang, menerkam terjang
tak gentar "tak gentar"
menyerang "menyerang"
majulah, majulah menang

next presentation news about philiphine volcano spews lava, ash, shutting Manila airport.

Taal Volcano spews ash on Monday Jan. 13, 2020, in Tagaytay, Cavite province, south of Manila, Philippines.  (AP Photo/Aaron Favila)

the news tells about red hot lava gushed out of a philiphine volcano monday after a sudden eruption of ash and steam that forced villagers to flee and shut down Manila's international airport, offices and schools.

Recalling :
Simple past tense is a simple form of verb to show that an event occurred in the past. 
kalimat positif (+) • S + Verb-2 (past tense) 
                                 • S + be (was/were) The teacher                                     came I was a stamp collector kalimat negatif (-) • S + did + not + bare infinitive
                                 • S + be (was/were) + not The                                          teacher didn’t come I wasn’t a.                                      stamp collector
kalimat interogatif (?) • did + S + bare infinitive
                                       • be (was/were)

Presentperfect tense is a form of verb that is used to express an action or situation that has started in the past and still continues until now or has been completed at a certain point in the past but the effect is still continuing.

Rumus Present Perfect Tense

Contoh Present Perfect Tense :
kalimat positif (+) S + auxiliary verb (have/has) + past participle (verb-3) I have read the book He has left.
kalimat negatif (-) S + auxiliary verb (have/has) + not + past participle (verb-3) I have not read the book He hasn’t left.
kalimat interogatif (?) auxiliary verb (have/has) + S + past participle (verb-3).

synopsis short movie of " Jhonny Express "
Synopsys : packages will be sent to the super small alien world by humans. but the human cannot find it with the presence of the sender the alien world will be destroyed.

Closing :

                        "Ampar-Ampar Pisang"                                    
Ampar ampar pisang
Pisangku balum masak
Masak sabigi dihurung bari-bari
Masak sabigi dihurung bari-bari

Mangga lepak mangga lepok
Patah kayu bengkok
Bengkok dimakan api
Apinya canculupan

Nang mana batis kutung
Dikitip bidawang
Nang mana batis kutung
Dikitip bidawang

Ampar ampar pisang, pisangku balum masak
Masak sabigi dihurung bari-bari
Mangga lepak mangga lepok, patah kayu bengkok
Bengkok dimakan api, apinya canculupan

Nang mana batis kutung, dikitip bidawang
Nang mana batis kutung, dikitip bidawang

Mangga lepak mangga lepok, patah kayu bengkok
Bengkok dimakan api, apinya canculupan
Bengkok dimakan api, apinya canculupan

Bengkok dimakan api, apinya canculupan
Bengkok dimakan api, apinya canculupan
Bengkok dimakan api, apinya canculupan

2nd semester English group

English Group

Group 1 : 1.) Adam Nugraha
                  2.) Yulianti Novita Sari
                  3.) Rizki Rahman
Lagu pembuka lagu wajib : maju tak gentar.
News : Philippine volcano spews lava, ash, shutting Manila airport.
Materi : simple past tense and present perfect tense. 
Video link : https://youtu.be/ppFv1hlMHjI Short movie link : https://youtu.be/cSGZyRBpMBE.
lagu daerah : ampar ampar pisang.
Quiz : 1.) She...in a two-story house when she                     was young = A. Lived
           2.) German Democratic republic...the                         berlin wall in 1961 = B. Constructed
           3.) He...the car yet = B. Hasn't fixed

Group 2 : 1.) Naira Ananda 
                  2.) Natasya A.A 
                  3.) Sarah Devi 
Lagu pembuka lagu wajib : Garuda Pancasila.
News : https://pagesix.com/2020/01/18/taylor-swift-attempted-to-kick-justin-bieber-out-of-her-gym/
Materi : Recount text.
My idol Video link: https://youtu.be/AYEs51tVlUI 
Short movie link : https://youtu.be/0FJvh4va78s Lagu penutup lagu daerah : Manuk Dadali.
Quiz : Halaman 110-111.

Group 3 : 1.) Indah Rahmadini
                  2.) Valent Sanjaya
                  3.) Rahmat Ilham Noval S.
Lagu pembuka lagu wajib : indonesia jaya
News : https://edition.cnn.com/2020/01/16/health/amish-children-sudden-deaths-mystery-trnd/index.html 
Materi : grammar past tense/spt 
Video link :https://youtu.be/g-uW_KheiEc 
Short movie link : https://youtu.be/tTjHEyEAlsc Lagu penutup lagu daerah : kicir-kicir.

Group 4 : 1.) Fitri Zahra Andika 
                  2.) Shucbert Berkath Manalu 
                  3.) Ratna Tri Astuti 
Lagu Pembuka lagu wajib : Gugur Bunga 
News : https://amp-cnn-com.cdn.ampproject.org/v/s/amp.cnn.com/cnn/2020/01/05/opinions/world-war-iii-was-trending-opinion-weekly-column-galant/index.html?amp_js_v=a2&_gsa=1&usqp=mq331AQCKAE%3D#aoh=15796061211295&referrer=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.com&_tf=From%20%251%24s&share=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.cnn.com%2F2020%2F01%2F05%2Fopinions%2Fworld-war-iii-was-trending-opinion-weekly-column-galant%2Findex.html 
Materi : Recount Text Battle of Surabaya 
video link : https://youtu.be/ABqwmJYAedY short movie : https://youtu.be/iK2hVwYbWLY Lagu penutup Lagu Daerah : Suwe Ora Jamu

Group 5 : 1.) Ana
                  2.) Ricky 
Opening : https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=g1lIgdzilAA 
News : https://m.timesofindia.com/world/us/earthquake-of-magntiude-6-2-strikes-city-of-adak-in-alaska-usgs/articleshow/73548681.cms 
Materi : ch 9 grammar past vs present to be Video : https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=yhq1wuu7NFk Quiz : 
 Short movie : https://youtu.be/aGiC9Mg91eQ Closing : 

Group 6  : 1.) Dion Widhitama 
                   2.) M.Akmal Muzzaki 
                   3.) Ryan aric ardhani 
Lagu pembuka lagu wajib : tanah airku 
News : https://news.detik.com/berita/d-4863931/jakarta-diguyur-hujan-deras-pagi-ini-sejumlah-titik-tergenang-banjir
Materi : chapter 10 dialog and recount text
Video link : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hKifv4M1nZ0&t=90s
Short movie link : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jmq94PQmW0I&t=53s
Lagu daerah : ayo mama
Quiz : 1.) How date B.J. Habibie was born ?                    2.)What is briliant lessons of B.J.Habibie                   from chilhood?
            3.)What are the structure of recount.                         text?

Group 7 : 1.) Cantikha Nur Hikmah
                  2.) Najwa Rifda
                  3.) Pinkan Galung Aulia
Opening lagu wajib : https://youtu.be/da4fehN4LeI
News : https://www.cnbcindonesia.com/news/20200123183449-4-132308/virus-corona-buat-malindo-air-setop-penerbangan-ke-wuhan
Materi : grammar past irregular verb (chapter 7)
Video : https://youtu.be/DSkTdGjM5q8
Quiz : 
Short movie : https://youtu.be/2P5ZYT5xPoQ Closing :https://youtu.be/4pm-LvW0dsA

Group 8 : 1.) Amelia Nur Anisa K.
                  2.) Rendiyansah
                  3.) Yoga Ramadhani K.
Lagu wajib : berkibarlah benderaku
Lagu Daerah : Cublak cublak suweng
News : https://www.bbc.com/news/health-51148303
Materi : recount text Video
link : https://youtu.be/TePhLOWlFEQ
Short movie : https://youtu.be/5L4DQfVIcdg

Group 9 : 1.) Achmad Haikal
                  2.) Fara Dilla
lagu wajib : https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=4mL2GEzY0t8
News : https://googleweblight.com/i?u=https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-asia-china-51215348&hl=id-ID
Materi : Grammar (IX) Adverbal Prase
Video link : https://youtu.be/oF95vgjyp0c
Short movie link : https://youtu.be/eOFeSM1E2F0
Lagu penutup lagu daerah : https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=VlyDN-yQMuk&t=55s

Group 10 : 1.) Fabiana Afanin
                    2.) Tiara Pravita Sari
Opening : Halo-halo Bandung
News : https://edition.cnn.com/2020/01/22/entertainment/taylor-swift-miss-americana-trailer/index.html
Materi : Narrative Text
Video : https://youtu.be/vhKfssr3TJM Short movie : https://youtu.be/lyoaLway15g
Closing : Soleram

Group 11 : 1.) Alea azalia
                    2.) Jibril gibran
Lagu wajib : https://youtu.be/wIep7XkDPL8
News : https://www.liputan6.com/lifestyle/read/4159356/gaya-rambut-baru-iriana-jokowi-tuai-pujian https://www.merdeka.com/peristiwa/leher-siswa-kelas-2-smp-tertancap-moncong-ikan-sori.html
Materi : grammar chapter 12 reported speech & direct speech
Video link : https://youtu.be/x98JyX67zhY
Short movie link : https://youtu.be/kNw8V_Fkw28
Lagu penutup lagu daerah : https://youtu.be/96VSf0gyt5A

Group 12 : 1.) Azzahra Hidayanti
                    2.) Della Zahra Aulia
Lagu wajib : Ibu Pertiwi
News : https://internasional.kompas.com/read/2020/01/22/19390651/korban-meninggal-virus-corona-di-china-bertambah-jadi-9-orang-disebut?utm_source=Whatsapp
Materi : grammar past tense/spt
Video materi : https://youtu.be/_XP4le29BAM Short movie link : https://youtu.be/JOWiPx5VRUU
Lagu daerah :

Group 13 : 1.) Andhika Gusti P
                    2.) Mikaila Acelin S
Lagu wajib : Bangun pemudi pemuda
News :https://www.wsj.com/articles/hong-kong-protestapproved-by-policeends-with-tear-gas-arrests-11579441327
Materi : Grammar & Past perfect tense
Video link :https://youtu.be/A3HRUtZCAa4 Short movie : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kNw8V_Fkw28
Lagu daerah : Desaku

Group 14 : 1.) Fadli Maulana Hidayat
                    2.) Khalisya Renata
Lagu wajib :
News :
Materi :
Video Link :
Short Movie :
Lagu daerah :

Kamis, 23 Januari 2020

~my holiday~

Assalamu'alaikum Warrahmatullahi Wabarakatuh,
Hello everyone! Let me exchange my entertainment stories :)

On December 22, 2019 I went to Bandung with my family. I go in the afternoon by train and car. I went to Bandung to visit my brother.

the journey is very long, on the train it feels very fast, but if entering Bandung I take a car that feels very long. I was bored in the car, arriving at me the next day on December 23, 2019 in the evening I arrived in Bandung. the trip from jakarta to bandung was very long and tired.

but when I arrived in Bandung feeling tired and tired of disappearing, I played with my brother for example I played PS 4 with my brother, I played PS from morning till night. hmm..I am a person who does not know the time for game problems hehehe ... the beginning of the meeting my brother was a bit awkward because I am a person who has a small prestige, fortunately my brother asked me first, before I came to play my brother was very concerned and immediately invited me to play. hmm ... I'm a shy, arrogant person, and not close to new people (I know that's not good).

I stayed there 7 days, yes a week there. There I exchanged stories with my brother who started from school, his new friends, the environment, etc ... there we also walked around the Bandung mall while watching the cinema, the price of cinema tickets in Bandung was much cheaper than in Jakarta (I don't know the price of 1 ticket hehe ... because the one who paid for the ticket is my brother hehe ...).

I went home on 30 December 2019. At first I was very much at home in Bandung compared to Jakarta, from the air, the scenery, and very friendly people. But my brother said that the new year in Jakarta is more fun because it is more crowded ... but that is not true, my new year is just roasting corn, and other seafood foods. That's not so exciting, because my new year didn't get together with my friends, usually the new year yesterday I got together with my friends, but because the weather didn't allow rain so it didn't go away huhuhu :(

but I am happy in Jakarta because on January 4, 2020 I went with my doi watching, I was very happy at that time. But there I was very awkward because this is the first time I watched together doi alone (don't think weird, I did nothing because I know adultery). But I really regret watching watching not say much like that, when I watch it I wear nice and neat clothes. because every time I go or go with my friend, I look normal but at the same time he is very different. I am very happy with him and very disappointed with him until now, because ....

it is my vacation cover and new story in the new year. I am very disappointed and sad with my friend. Because my friend invited me to stay with 6 people with the group "hambege" but it didn't work. I'm disappointed, friend (btw all my friends are female) :(( 😣😣

thanks for reading my story and holiday. Thank you very much :) 39!!

Wassalamualaikum Warrahmatullahi Wabarakatuh.

Generic Structure Recount Text :

1.) Orientation :
      spent my school holidays with family and friends of my best friends. the family consists of 5 people with me. And my best friend is 6 people with me.

2.) Event :
      Play PS4 together, eat together, watch a movie together, burn together, and go for a walk together.

3.) Re-Orientation :
      They are my beloved families and my middle school friends, I really feel comfortable, happy to talk, and happy to play together with them.