Rabu, 20 November 2019

Presentation by group 5

Chapter 7 : The wright Brothers

Members : 1. Ahcmad Haikal

                    2. Rizki Rahman
                    3. Ricky Sentana
                    4. Fadli Maulana
                    5. Alea 
                    6. Maura
                    7. Sarah Devi

Recalling :
-Simple Past Tense
In simple past tense sentences, the verb used is the second verb form. There are 2 types of verbs/verb namely regular verb and irregular verb. For regular verbs added /.d behind the first form of verbs
-For irregular verbs, including to be the form of the two verb is very different
-Simple Present Tense
°S+Verb1+ -s/es

Synopsis : (Doraemon, Ayo naik pesawat serangga)
One day suneo showed a photo to nobita. Shizuka and giant that he had boarded a private plane which was very good and then he joined giant and shizuka except Nobita because of annoying. Nobita also asked Doraemon for help, then was given a tool to control insects by sticking it on the insect's head and he can control. It like an Airplane.

Kamis, 14 November 2019

English Project
Group 4

Anggota :
1.Mikaila Acelin Sayidina
2.Najwa Rifda Vika
3.Yulianti Novita Sari 
4.Dion Widhitama
5.Ryan Aric Ardhani
6.Jibril Gibran
7.Naira Ananda

Recalling Chapter 6
Announcement Text

Explanation About Announcement Text :

Announcement text is a text that contains information provided directly and indirectly.

Purpose Of Announcement Text : 
The purpose is to inform the announcement text information about an event,job,new admission.

Announcement Text Component :

Section Of Announcement :
1).The title/type of event
2).Date and Time
4).Contact Person

Synopsis : ( Watermelon A Countionary Tale)
A boy who eats watermelons,but he also eats seeda which are not allowed to eat.Then one day this boy feels stomatch ache turns out that his stomatch pain is due to the growth of watermelon,then starts to exit the tree trunk from his nose over time the effect even worse he became a watermelon.
English Project
Group 3

Anggota :
1.Cantikaha Nur Hikmah
2.Rheza Al-Fikri
3.Fitri Zahra Andika
4.Vallen Sanjaya
5.Adam Nugraha
6.Rachmat Irham 
7.Khalisya Renata 

Recalling Chapter 5
Let's Visit Niagara Falls

Definitions : 
Niagara falls is the collective name for three waterfalls that cross the international border between the Canadian province of Ontario and the USA state of New York.There are various attractions that people can enjoy in Niagaa falls,Six of them are describe here.
The first to enjoy in niagara falls is Niagara Adventure Theater.Niagara sciene Musem is another place to visit.The fifth point of inerest is Niagara's Wax Museum of History.

Formula : 
Active : S+v+O
Example : Mary helps her son

Pasive : S+V3+O
Example : The son is helped by mary

Short Movie :

Synopsis : (Alma)
  • Tells the story of a girl who sees a doll that looks like her i a shop.When she approached the doll.She changed into the doll and became the store's collection permantly.
English Project
Group 2

Anggota :
1.Tiara Pravita Sari
2.Indah Ramadhani
3.Muhammad Akmal
4.Amelia Nur Annisa
5.Ana Rahmadini
6.Pinkan Galung Aulia
7.Andhika Gusti P.

Recalling Chapter 4
Which One Is Your Best Gateaway

Descriptive Text

1).Definition and Fucntion
     Descriptive text is a type of text describe.

2).Text Stucture ( Generic  Structure)
     Identification and Description.

3).Linguistic Elements
  1.      Noun
  2.      Simple Present Tense
  3.      Adjective
  4.      Figurative

Short Movie : Aladdin Trailer

Synopsis :
Aladdin is a figure known as a thief in a region in the middle east.One day,he found a magic lamp in a cave,the lamp turned out to be the abode of a genie.The genie told aladdin that he could grant three wishes form the owner.Aladdin also used the ginir to grant his wish to become a prince to win the heart of princess.
English Project
Group 1

Members :

1.Fabiana Afanin
2.Ratna Tri Astuti
3.Yoga Ramadhani K.
4.Shucbert Berkath
5.Natasya A.
6.Fara Dilla
7.Della Zahra A.

Chapter 3

Recalling : What are you going to do today?
Expressing Intention is is an expression of hope from someone. This mean that the expression is inderectly an event that has not yet happened because it is still from of hope.

Formula : 
1.Will : [Subject + Will + V.1 + …]
Example : I will call the Police
2.Tobe Going To : [Subject + To be + going to + V.1 + …]
Example : I am going to have holiday in Hongkong
3.Would Like : [Subject + Would Like + V.1 + …]
Example : I would like a cup of coffee
4.Would Rather … Than … : [Subject + Would Rather + V.1 + …]
Example : I would rather buy a new shoes than use the old one

Short Movie :

Synopsis : Tells the story of a dog that keeps trying to do something that can’t be done until it can. In the end the dog could not pass when tested. But he was passed when he helped a blind woman.

Minggu, 03 November 2019

Grup Bahasa Inggris


group 1 : 1. Fara Dilla
                 2. Fabiana Afanin
                 3. Della Zahra Aulia
                 4. Ratna Tri Astuti
                 5. Natasya A. A.
                 6. Rendiyansah
                 7. Yoga Ramadhani K.
                 8. Schubert Berkat M.

Opening : Ibu Pertiwi
Materi : chapter 3 "What are you going to do today"
Video: https://youtu.be/U8L2m8TeIWA
Quiz: Fill the blank with                                 multipel choise

1. .........to come with us?

A.Would you like
B.Are you going to
C.Will you go ?

2.I don't like camping........stay at home than go coming

A.I would rather
B.Would you like
C.Be going to

3.We.........practice playing piano today

A.Would like
B.Are going to
C.Would you like
Short movie : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=07d2dXHYb94
Closing : Manuk Dadali

group 2 : 1. Amelia Nur Anisa K.
                 2. Ana Rahmadini
                 3. Indah Ramadhani
                 4. Tiara Pravita Sari
                 5. Pinkan Galung Aulia
                 6. Andhika Gusti Pratama
                 7. M. Akamal M.

opening : syukur
video : Fill the blank with https://youtu.be/EWkDzLrhpXI
multipel choise
materi : chap 4
closing : poco-poco
quiz :
1. how are the materials and architectural design of taj mahal?
2. where was the queen actually buried?
3. why the king construct taj mahal?
short movie : https://youtu.be/I6i8cLXPGQE

group 3 : 1. Cantikha Nur Hikamah
                2. Fitri Zahra Andika
                3. Khalisya Renata S.
                4. Rheza Al-Fikri
                5. Valent Sanjaya
                6. Adam Nugraha
                7. Rachmat Irham Naufal

opening : bangun pemudi pemuda
Maateri: description niagara falls
Video : https://youtu.be/1K_5c3HHiXA
Quiz : 1. Where is niagara falls located
2. Mention the three waterfalls that from the niagara falls
3. What can people enjoy in the cave of the winds
4. Can people ride on the maid of the mist boat tour in  january.
5. Where can people watch a film of the thundering falls with completely different background.
Short movie :   https://youtu.be/1K_5c3HHiXA
Closing : bunga jeumpa

group 4 : 1. Jibril Gibran
                 2. Ryan Aric Ardhani
                 3. Dion Widhitama
                 4. Yulianti Novita S.
                 5. Mikaila Acelin S.
                 6. Najwa Rifda Vika1
                 7. Niara Ananda

opening : desaku
video : https://youtu.be/RP9zmsK98FQ
materi : chapter 6 (giving announcement)
closing : ayo mama
quiz :
1. retell the announcement above!
2. what is the conclusion of the announcement above?
*short movie*: reunion

Group 5 : 1. Sarah Devi
                   2. Achmad Haikal M.
                   3. Rizqi Rahman
                   4. Maura Indah Islami
                   5. Alea Azalia
                   6. Fadli Maulana H.
                   7. Ricky
Opening : Garuda Pancasila
Video : https://youtu.be/YDlk4Ky_ahs
Materi : Chapter 7 (The wright brothers)
Quiz : 1. What character is managed by these two brothers?
2. What wad the name of the plane that was given the first time by two brothers?
3. In what year did the two brothers study flight problems?
short movie : https://youtu.be/rNAeJIlondA
Closing : Ampar Ampar Pisang

New Friends

New Friends like gamers too.
Name : Khairunnisa Fakhira (Firaa)
SMK 14
Via twitter

firaa is my best friend. firaa is very good with me, firaa smart she is very smart. school firaa SMKN 14 Jakarta with a major in multimedia, my friend played online games. I often invite to play online games with, and he is very good at listening to my story. I no longer understood how to thank you, the accompanied me every day to stay up and play online games. firaa is where I tell stories and makes me happy again. it's funny if we talk and talk about funny things that make us both laugh. and I really miss playing with you, thank you for accompanying me to stay up late, playing games, chatting, my story, if I'm bored. I hope we both succeed and get a scholarship for your major to a quality campus, and I get a scholarship to Japan to the Waseda campus. aminn....🙏🙏🙏🙏👍👍👍